Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wouldn't you like to see me try to put a huge soccer goal together??

....well I attempted to help Frauke with that today, and it didn't work. I am so not mechanical. I was kind of hoping Jenna or Luiza would magically appear and help me... haha.

Today when I was playing outside with the kids, the neighbor girl, Ashley, age 8, came over with her 8 month old sister. Over the summer break the young girl watches her baby sister everyday. When asked where her mom was she simply stated, "home." I want to know what kind of person puts an 8 year old in charge of an 8 month old? That's crazy, and dangerous. But I digress...

Did I mention I'm going to Oldenburg this weekend? So excited! <3

Bye, Molly

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cultural Differences

Greetings from, Bockswiese, Germany!

I arrived in Bockswiese with the Koster Family on Sunday afternoon, after having flown for 7 1/2 hours and being in a car for 3--all without sleeping. I promptly took a nap and felt refreshed enough to stay up for all of 2 hours before going back to sleep. Jet-lag can kill you...

On Monday I did very little, other than try to get oriented. We went with a neighboring family that the Kosters are friends with to pick up their 7-year-old girl, Lea from elementary school. We walked there, naturally, and when we arrived, I was surprised at what I found. All of the kids were outside playing after school ended, alone. They were waiting for their parents to pick them up, but it was no big deal if their parents weren't there on time. Young kids are capable of being alone on the playground--something my parents generation did, but that this generation didn't grow up with.

I also noticed the size of the kids. None of them were overweight. They were all "thin" by American standards, normal by German standards. These children eat and drink full fat things, they aren't on diets. They simply move more! They walk to school, walk back home, play during the day, and aren't allowed to watch 10 billion hours of television. I don't think they'd really want to. These kids appear to love playing outside.

Today, we took Jan, Thies, Maya and Lea to the park in Hahnenklee. We got them ice cream and watched them play at the park. Then we played with them outside in our backyard. Lea and Ashley, 2 neighbor girls, were at the house as well. I was also surprised to see how fascinated they are with the snacks that I've brought from America. It's so weird to think that they have never heard of Cheez-its or Rainbow Chips Deluxe cookies here. They all think it's so cool that these things come from America, when to me it's just old hat.

**I am in no way saying that all Americans like to watch TV, that they don't exercise, etc. I am just making observations.**

Thursday, June 24, 2010

2 days...

Today is Thursday, the 24th of June, and it marks two days until I fly to Germany. Preparing for my summers and vacations abroad has never been an easy task, but this time it is all the more difficult. I will be spending a year abroad this time. The question of whether or not I have everything I need is on my mind constantly. Medicine, check. Underwear, check. So I've got the important things. But what about clothes, shoes, and accessories? Not even close. I want to bring my entire wardrobe with me, but I don't want to carry it from train station to train station. I mean, really.... So I will have to sacrifice and just bring the bare essentials. I have a feeling I'm going to be wearing the same 2 t-shirts for an entire year...

And what do I do with the next 2 days? I feel like I should do more than just obsess over whether or not 4 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shorts and 2 skirts will really suffice for an entire year. I would like to see my friends, maybe go out and do something fun...

Na, I think I'll just sit here and worry. I cannot wait until I am in Germany the first night, lying in bed. Can we just fast forward please?

Until then, Molly