It's a rarity for me to go so long without blogging after my arrival in Europe, but this time I just didn't have the time or energy until now. These past 2 and a half weeks have been a combination of "what the hell am I doing here," and "I'm so glad to be back." Add that to the fact that I'm working and well... Well, if one would actually call what I'm doing "work." But I suppose I should start at the beginning.
On May 16, 2012, a day that seems like 100 years ago but was really only just a few weeks ago, I hugged my family and friends goodbye and got on another plane to go on another adventure. My first stop: Munich, Germany, where Susanne picked me up at the airport and gave me that long awaited hug. It was so appropriate for her to be the one to pick me up, as she was the one who dropped me at the airport last year in July when I headed back home after a year of living abroad. Susanne has gone from a person that I vaguely knew to someone that I love and admire. Thankfully she'll never read this, but if she did, I know she'd say oh Molly, shake her head, and tell me I was stupid for writing something like this on the internet. But that's Susanne :)
I stayed with Susanne and her family for the first week after my arrival in order to relax and acclimate myself to my new surroundings. Another highlight was a barbecue with several of the families that had lived in Michigan as ex-pats. I always find it fun to be in Germany talking about Great Lakes Crossing or barbecue sauce. It's like having a part of home with me :-) Other than that, I simply played with the kids, helped in the kitchen, strolled through Munich, drank lattes, and tried not to regain any weight.
After one week with Susanne and her family, I headed to Salzburg, Austria, where my journey continues. On that Thursday I was, as usual, nervous about going to a new place. Okay, so Salzburg isn't exactly a new city to me; I lived her for 2 semesters when I studied abroad. However, change, as much as I thrive on it, scares the hell out of me. One great thing about me though, is that I am easy to please and end up getting used to my surroundings in a matter of days. This time it took just one day. Upon arriving at the train station in Salzburg I was greeted by Sonja, the mother of the children to whom I teach English. I taught her children English once a week while living in the Salzburg the first time. When I wrote to her several months ago about looking for a summer au pair position, she offered me the opportunity of living with her family (room and board included) and teaching her kids English 15 hours a week. As I had originally planned on visiting Salzburg this summer on my own dime, I jumped at the chance to live with her and her family. And here I was that first day, nervous about the whole thing. It's more of a reflex than anything else. I am a worrier.
I had little time to sit and think, which for me is a very good thing. That first day I was already "on duty," teaching one of the girls English for most of the day. I honestly had no idea how I was going to teach either of the girls English at that point, other than through speaking with them and playing games. Luckily recently that changed and I decided to start with the basics. After just 2 lessons with me both girls can say the alphabet in English and can spell words in English! Apparently their parents were a bit annoyed on their recent trip to Prague when the kids wouldn't stop singing the ABC song. I'm really proud of how much they are learning from me and I hope to be able to teach English to children in Austria or Germany full time.
Fifteen hour work weeks naturally leave a lot of free-time. I have had no problem occupying myself. Luckily, all of my old friends are still here! Kerstin, a German friend, and Andrea, an American friend, are both finishing up their bachelor's. The old gang from the college church is still there, too! I showed up during the coffee hour they have during lunch and everyone was so surprised and happy to see me. I definitely look different and since they didn't know I was coming, at first they just stared at me in disbelief. Now, having only been here a little over a week, I'm being invited to all of their parties again. It feels really good. Not to mention the fact that my old roommate, Astrid, is here! I love it here. I'm happy here ;-)
And I know that leaving here eventually will be difficult. But right now I'm not going to think about that. During this journey my motto is: enjoy the moment! I don't want to waste it planning the next one.
-Trust my own instincts. Don't let others (no matter who they are) dictate the decisions that I make.
-Enjoy every moment!
-Lose 2 more kilos/5 pounds