Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What is an Au Pair?

I think many people do not understand what an au pair actually is, so I will try to explain is as best I can. Remember that the program varies in different countries, and I am specifically talking about Germany. In Germany, an au pair is a young man or woman between the ages of 18-24 (I turn 25 during my au pair year, but was 24 at the time I applied for my visa) that lives with a family for 1 year as a member of the family. The au pair helps take care of the children, does light housework (cooking, vacuuming, ironing, loading and emptying the dishwasher), for up to 30 hours per week. In exchange, the au pair receives room and board, as well as insurance, a tram pass, and enough free time to visit a language course. Of course the au pair receives a bit of money as well. This is not referred to as a salary, but "pocket money," as the au pair is not an employee, but a member of the family. Now you know :)

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