Sunday, August 8, 2010


On Tuesday oral and written exams were given to all of the students to gauge our levels of German. I placed very high and picked a class called "German for College Students." On Tuesday night there was a party to celebrate the beginning of the course. There I met lots of nice people, ate good German food, and drank champagne :-)

On Wednesday the first official day of class started. I made a few friends right a way. Tanja, a girl from Russia and I, have been friends since that day. In the evening I went to the international summer choir. There I met more international students that love singing, and learned lots of singing vocabulary in German. It was fun to sing again--haven't in a while! After singing I met up with Tanja and some others. From there we went to a beer garden. We ate giant soft prezels, drank beer, and enjoyed each other's company, all while enjoying the beautiful view of the Neckar river.

On Thursday I went to class, followed by a movie night in the evening. We watched a German movie that was a parody of the media, and how the heads of these television stations want us to watch crappy reality shows instead of things with substance. It really made me think. After that I met up with some others at the bar in our dorm. I drank a sex on the beach that had a ridiculous amount of alcohol, and was drunk enough to stand up and dance with Tanja. Good times.

On Friday I had class, and then went out on a small boat on the Neckar with the other students. At night we went to a cafe, but Tanja and I left early since we weren't feeling well. Yesterday Tanja and I went to the Altstadt. We ate at an Italian restaurant overlooking the Neckar. I ate carbonara-yum!!! Then we went shopping :) At night I met up with a German girl (a friend of a friend) at the movies. We saw Eclipse in German, which was weird because the actors voices are different.

Today the entire summer academy hiked to a cloister, and then had a picnic. It rained, but luckily one of the teachers loaned me her coat and an umbrella. The hike back was like 5km--I wanted to die!!! Ahh well--it means I won't feel guilty when I have a drink at the bar tonight.

Bye for now, Molly

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