Sunday, October 3, 2010


I tend to be the type of person that likes to just include the good times, but the whole idea of studying abroad is to learn and grow, so I think I will be "typically German" by being honest here.

It is hard for me to deal with change. I had a day or two of a transition period each time I moved on to a new program (to the language course in Tübingen, for example). This time in Salzburg is no different. For the past couple of years, when I visited Germany, I could understand what was going on around me. The conversations aren't difficult to understand, and I feel, for the most part, at home. Then, low and behold, this year I end up studying abroad in Austria, where they also speak "German." I, however, have no idea in hell what they are saying.

Yesterday, for example, some of the other students and I took advantage of the cheap Bayern-Ticket and took the 2 hour train ride to Munich (although I had just left Munich yesterday to move to Salzburg, I was eager to go back). There, I had no problem with the language. On the way back to Austria, however, everyone was loud and drunk, due to having been at the Oktoberfest. These men and women made jokes in what was supposedly German, and, instead of laughing like I usually would, I just stared blankly. I couldn't understand a word they were saying! I really felt like I had been studying German for 7 weeks instead of 7 years. I just didn't get it. Austrian German is totally different.

It's definitely frustrating, but I know God sent me here for something. If He thinks I can do it, than I think I can do it. I'm going to try my hardest to understand the cultural differences. I'm going to attend classes, study hard, travel and hope for the best. And perhaps switch my master's thesis to something along the lines of "The cultural differences between Germany and Austria." That is a bit broad, but I can narrow the spectrum by the end of the year.

This is me signing out, hoping for the best.


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